Hello lovely readers! I am absolutely exhausted from Pilates class tonight so I feel fortunate that I took photos of my outfit before I left for work this morning!
It’s getting warmer here, so I’m very much looking forward to ditching tights soon (though I do like their slimming effect on the legs.) I also cannot wait to wear open-toed shoes again. Bring on the pretty pedicures and awesome heels! One thing I’m dreading- getting back into self tanning. I know, I know, “pale is the new tan” but when I have bare legs, I like them to have a bit of color.
Here’s what I wore today:

So I also finally used my new Hot Tools brand curling iron this morning (I have the 1 1/4 inch version.) My second-day hair was looking a little blah, so I perked up some of the front pieces with this miraculous tool (much better than my cheaper Conair curling iron.) I paid about 40$ for the Hot Tools curling iron at Beauty First. It has tons of heat settings, which I love.
Beauty confession: I absolutely suck at using curling irons. My hairdresser actually tried to give me a lesson and I failed. The strange thing is, I can make curls/waves with a flatiron, but put a curling iron in my hand and it’s like I’ve lost my sense of direction. Literally. I lose all sense of which way to turn it and twist it and have no natural understanding of which angle to put my hair in it.
Having said that, I think I did OK today. I was going for a loose/textured look. I didn’t have time to do my entire head, so I just perked up the face-framing pieces to make myself feel less blah.
Here is how it turned out:
I think it was alright for my first curling iron attempt. More attempts to come, I’m sure. I like to wear my hair wavy.
Are you a curling iron pro, or do you struggle with it like I do? Let me know in the comments below!
I'm pretty awesome with the curling iron – especially using it to get loose voluminous waves that start at the root, rather than heavy curlicues that weigh your hair down.
The secret is to start at the root, curling away from the face and to NOT curl the last inch or two of each section of hair.
Michele- those are great tips, and ones I need to learn! I get confused when I look in the mirror about which direction to turn it away from the face. The mirror image confuses me. Ugh. I am so hopeless. Practice makes perfect!
I'm great with a curling iron until I get to the back of my head. It either curls okay or it becomes a total mess. Ive gotten better with practice. I just find that I am usually too lazy to mess with styling tools.
I suck at basically everything having to do with my hair, haha. So I won't even touch a curling iron. I've got no clue how to use one!
Hahaha! I am the exact same way! I can't use a curling iron to save my life. They just won't curl the way I want them to and they always leave creasing. But I can make mad curls with my flat iron!
I'm okay with the curling iron but a PRO with the straightening iron. Weird!!
I love the look you have going on. I'm growing my hair out and it's in the middle of an awkward length so I've been trying to wear it up or curly. Maybe my $9.99 curling iron isn't cutting it…
Offtopic, I know you asked for reader questions and tutorials and such. I asked around Christmas about your morning hair styling routine and you gave me an excellent answer in the comments but I'd love an entire post devoted to it!! Extra points for pictures 🙂
Beautiful as always 😉 And I'm the SAME WAY about curling! I need a new curling iron!
You did great!! I actually just broke out the curling iron last wash, and it was a nice change of pace from 'setting' curls after blow drying. As it gets warmer I'll rely on the iron more and more. Like you, I prefer a flat iron for curls sometimes. I feel like it gives more of a tousled look and makes less uniform curls. Love the outfit, too!!
Also, Veronika: I've been meaning to suggest a product for you to try (if you haven't already):
Aveda Pure Abundance Hair Potion.
This gives your hair a ton of volume and also makes it very manipulate-able. AND it keeps looking slick after a day or two of not washing – all reasons why I think you'd like it.
It's unlike anything else I've ever tried.
Haha I know what you mean with the curling iron ! It took me a while to get used to it and I'm still better at making my hair wavy with my straightening iron !!
Don't worry, I suck at curling irons too… which is why I use hot rollers when I want beautiful waves. BTW, I can't stop gushing over about how pretty you really are! I love your makeup in the last picture!
Your hair looks great! I curl my hair pretty much everyday. I use a 1.5inch curling iron and do pretty much what Michelle said, start halfway down the hair and leave the ends out. This way I get large, soft waves as opposed to tight tendril-ish curls.
I have tried to curl my hair with a flatiron before and the results have been disastrous!
Your hair looks great, love the waviness! I am rad with a curling iron, but cannot use a flat iron to curl at all-I think that is waaaay harder. So if you can do that, you can master the iron 🙂
I am so excited for everything you mentioned too – pedis, open-toe shoes, and just summer clothes in general! I always splash a little self-tanner on as well. I am incredibly pale and I think I look a lot better with a little bronzy glow.
Very cute outfit, as always! And you look fab with the curls! You'll get the hang of it 🙂
Love your OOTD and your hair! I have a hard time using a curling iron too and usually just stick to a few large hot rollers to get waves. I might have to break out my iron and give it another try.
Also, I tried L'oreals Everpure after reading about it on here and I love it! My hair feels great and smells heavenly. Thanks for the rec! 🙂
I'm pretty terrible with the curling iron myself, but have been meaning to buy a Hot Tools one to see if that will help!
I think you did a great job though!
Your hair looks great!
I do ok with a curling iron (I use a large one b/c my hair is short) but it really takes me a lot of time to get it just right! I guess I need more practice!
I am wretched at curling hair. I have the Vicky B type haircut and I always see her doing finger waves and loose curls to switch up the straightness but can NEVER get it right – at all. I end up looking like Shirley Temple. I had my hair loosely and lightly curled for my wedding and I LOVED it but cannot recreate for the life of me. If you figure it out, let me in on it.
you look so pretty (:
btw not sure if you know who she is, but you look like this british pop star cheryl cole!
alexandra- you are so sweet! I do know who she is and have blogged about her a few times- I love her! it is such a compliment for you to say I ressemble her. Thanks 🙂
Lets just say that makeup is my forte, hair is not! Lol I am a pro at straightening my hair but I am so brutal trying to attmept to make my hair wavy with the straight iron or curls with a curling iron! How do you use your flat iron for waves? My hairdresser showed me but pretty much told me to give up! lol
Leah xxoo
I second that you look gorgeous with your pretty loose curls and you do look like Cheryl too…Jelous!!
OMG sooo pretty, Veronika! Aw! 🙂
Good work on the pilates – atta girl.
Your hair looks awesome!
Your hair looks great! I'm the reverse of you! I consider myself a whiz at the curling iron, but I cannot for the life of me master waves or curls with my flat iron! Also, what blush do you have on in the pictures above? It is so pretty!
Kristen- it's Bobbi Brown's "peony" blush 🙂 I love it!
Hair looks lovely. LOVE your key necklace!!! Where did you get it???
kristina- the key is from Forever 21, the chain and heart charm at Tiffany & Co.
Your hair is always amazing! I did buy the Tresemmee dry shampoo spray, not really a fan. Baby powder works so much better. How do you keep it from getting on your hair and just on your scalp? Otherwise it leaves these funky spots of white. Not a fan of your skirt, it makes you look wider than what you are. Maybe it was the picture?
anon- I actually sprinkle it on the roots of my hair (the baby powder) and then rub it in with my fingers. I don't get super white areas, but it does make my roots like lighter overall.
The skirt is an A-line so maybe that's what it is. I like to wear it, but I agree pencil skirts are more flattering on my figure.
I also, MUCH prefer my straightening iron. It just seems less messy and without the whole clip, so much easier.
I am just so horrible with a curling iron. I just use hot rollers instead! I can put them in, and do my makeup while they set.
You really need a new bra. Whatever it is that you're wearing isn't doing you any favors. Sorry but it's the truth!
I like my bra just fine, thanks 🙂
In fact, that is a new bra. I like the way my boobs look. If you don't that's OK with me…though I don't remember asking…
Sorry but its not a good look when you're rockin' the droopy 4 boob look. Not tryin' to be mean, just tryin' to help you out. But if anybody can do it, I guess it's you?
I have breast implants. My breasts are extremely perky actually. I don't even have to wear a bra and they sit up and stay perky. Maybe it's the way I am standing in this pic, but I can assure you my breasts are the complete opposite of droopy. I love them. If you don't like how I (or my boobs) look you are welcome not to read my blog.
Road Runner ( [IP Address]
United States Fallbrook, California, United
i love your skirt. it is very simple and the bold buttons are very cute and perfect for a day at the office.
I can't believe that someone would post 2 same comments. I think you should block that IP, if you can. People that leave nasty & negative "anonymous" comments like that are very insecure & they take pleasure in trying to bring others down. That's what I would call a "loser."
BTW, I love the way your boobs look, and think that they look very natural in the pictures. I think it's great that you've talked about having surgery done on them too!!
I love reading your blog…then again I love your wedding bio's as inspiration. How do you use a straightening iron to curl your hair?