We’ve lived in our new home since last November and I hadn’t quite gotten a handle on my closet until recently. It’s a touch smaller than our last master closet, but we shared that one and my husband has his own closet now which is nice! My closet connects to our master bathroom and Kevin’s is connected to the entryway of our bedroom.
When our home was under construction, I contemplated hiring a professional closet company to come and do the entire closet after closing. However, given how many other projects I had on my list (wallpaper, new rugs and some furniture, window treatments, backyard projects), the closet fell low on my list of priorities and was a significant financial investment that I’m not sure was worth the “return.” Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE amazing, well-designed closets and “cloffices,” but we just don’t have the room in our home for something like that.
Instead, I worked with our builder’s carpenter to plan out all of the rods and shelving in my closet to ensure my IKEA Hemnes dresser would fit. That meant not adding a bottom rack into the main part of the closet that you see from the doorway. I had a built-in dresser in our last closet, so I knew I wanted one in my new closet and I thought the IKEA Hemnes would look really great in there while being super functional (it holds everything from underwear, socks, face towels, pajamas, etc).
Since my closet can always been seen from the master bathroom (I never shut the door and will probably remove it like we did with our last closet), the dresser is more aesthetically pleasing than racks and racks of clothing. It helps kind of anchor the space and the gold hardware on the dresser complements the gold mirrors we have hung above each sink.
I use every closet organizing session as an opportunity to purge – this should always be the first step so you’re not wasting valuable space on things you don’t wear. This includes items in poor condition (I had a shirt in my closet with a non repairable hole for two years – eeekkk!), things I no longer wear/like, no longer fit, etc.
I set those aside, offer them to friends and co-workers and then donate whatever isn’t taken. I did a massive purge before we moved, but I like to do them every quarter because I don’t believe in keeping items you don’t wear – it makes it harder to get dressed in the morning when you’re weeding through the clutter.
I know a lot of people have attachments to things in their closet, but truly ask yourself how that item is serving you now – challenge yourself to have a more thoughtful closet, full of items you love and wear. I will admit that I have a hard time getting rid of things too – I sometimes keep things longer than I should. But I get better and better with each closet purge.
I finally took the time last weekend to “turn over” my closet to spring/summer. It involves going through and moving all of my sweaters, jackets and other items I’d never wear in warmer weather to less visible parts of my closet so they’re “stowed away” until next fall/winter. Then, I reorganize my clothing by sleeve length and color.
I love doing this because it makes the clothing “of the season” more accessible and front-and-center. It doesn’t make sense to have your sweaters in the “prime locations” in your closet when it’s 90 degrees out. Since Houston doesn’t really have all 4 seasons as intensely as other areas, I could really do this twice a year, but I try to do it every quarter – it forces me to evaluate how my closet is working for me.
I’ve learned that hangers make all the difference – I finally invested in some velvet hangers (these are the exact ones I have) last year and it really streamlines your closet. It allows you to fit more not your closet because they’re less bulky (but don’t use this as a reason to keep things you should purge) and also make items lay flatter, so it looks neater overall. The velvet hangers I use are a great value – $25 for a pack of 50.
SHOP THIS MAXI DRESS: gal meets glam geraldine dress
I’m glad I spent the time organizing my closet last weekend because although I’m only wearing leggings and athleisure for the foreseeable future, I hated seeing my closet be so messy every morning. Right now, without a solid routine and being home 24/7, I need all the stability I can get. I don’t want to walk into my master bathroom each morning to see a cluttered mess with clothes all over the floor. Clutter triggers my anxiety and it’s just not a good way to start the day.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you have any other tips!
Great post! Totally agree with the hangers. Makes such a difference a d holds the clothes well without getting those little wings on shoulders if you line up seams right.
Hi. Could you tell me where you put the headbands please. They are well organized
Hi. Could you tell me where you put the headbands please. They are well organized
hi there! the headband holder is linked in the post: https://rstyle.me/+GwVWNAyWZ_CXmp4eEeaV0A
Can you tell me where you got your wallpaper! I love it, so whimsical, it would be perfect in my bedroom!
Hi there! The wallpaper is linked at the end of this post! https://www.veronikasblushing.com/2019/12/why-weve-moved-4-times-in-12-years-how-we-found-our-new-home.html
Inspiring! Closet purging is third on my list of “Spring Cleaning” this month. First, kitchen drawers, then books (so difficult and so necessary), and then the closets!
How do you store your bags? I only saw one in your images.
I have a shoe closet where I keep the few main purses I use. I also have some shelving in my closet where I keep bags I don’t use often in dustbags. I actually don’t own that many handbags!