Happy Sunday!
I think I’ll go ahead and just label the past week as “let’s pretend it never happened.” I have never been more ready for a Monday.
Y’all probably don’t remember this (because why would you?) but I struggled a lot with plugged ducts when I was pumping for Harper and this time around has been no different as I still have an oversupply (which, don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful for). I had been dealing with a really bad clog on my right side for a few days and one afternoon at work I started to get sudden, flu-like symptoms and my breast was hot and hurt so badly. I knew immediately that it was mastitis and my OB called in antibiotics for me. It was awful but I caught it right away and I was able to get the clog out after one nursing session followed by pumping and then hand-expressing in the shower. This may all be a little TMI, but whatever. I’m always honest and the struggle was real. The antibiotics have been terrible and have really messed up my stomach so I’m Amazon-priming these probiotics tonight (they’re dairy, wheat & gluten free).
So, let’s just take a deep breath and move on to fun things.
When I returned from my maternity leave, I decided to truly start the new year off fresh and completely gut my desk. There were still things in the cabinets and drawers from the person who was there before me. I took down every.single.thing and decided to start from scratch to make it a pretty and calming setting instead of the cluster it had become. I decided to treat myself to a new mug and bowl this weekend— I eat at my desk about 80% of the time, so it’s nice to have pretty things. The bowl is perfect for my morning oatmeal, fruit or soup.
mug | bowl
I’m hosting a giveaway on Instagram for a $50 store credit to SweetBabyPaige! Aren’t her bows darling? This orchid one is a favorite for spring! You can enter here. I’m so thankful to give back to my followers in any way that I can and I feel fortunate to partner with shops I love.
I’m totally smitten with these bandana bibs by Ollie&Tate. I ordered some for Lincoln before he was born and they’re beautiful and super well sewn. They wash well and I just love the wide variety of patterns. Stay tuned for a giveaway I’m hosting with this wonderful shop soon— in the meantime, you can view all of their designs here.
I’ve had these pillows for a couple of months now and I’m still so in love with them. If you’re in the market for some beautiful custom monogrammed pillows, I highly recommend the quality of Caroline’s work.
This is an area in our master right by the balcony doors and I just love how much natural light they bring in. Having said that, we did finally get window coverings for our house and we chose some gorgeous roman shades from Blinds.com. I will share more details about our experience soon— three cheers for privacy and keeping the street lights out of our eyes at night! The pink blanket can be found here!
Stay tuned for a post soon with an update about going dairy-free. It was a pretty emotional post to write because looking back at photos of how horrific his skin looked plus the memories of how miserable he was was really difficult. My poor baby, it looked so painful. Thank goodness he is doing so well now— we’ve seen such a dramatic difference in everything from his tummy to his skin and his sleep.
Speaking of sweet Lincoln, we finally started to make a moderate amount of progress on the nursery. When Megan visited a couple of weeks ago she said she thought Harper’s nursery dresser that we had moved to our master would look great in L’s room and matched his light so well. I honestly don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it before. It’s so neutral that it can work for a girl or boy’s room. I’m glad we made the switch— it looks great in there and I love the IKEA Hemnes we have in our room now (we customized it a bit with some gold ring pulls).
Though the space is still totally a mess, it’s coming together. Next up we have to hang our Sharon Montrose prints (a gift from Candice) and figure out some wall shelving since the wall with the crib is so bare.
It feels pretty good to get dressed every day. I will admit that I wore yoga leggings and baggy shirts most of my maternity leave and only wore real clothes if I left the house. Some days, I just wore PJs all day. I figured if not then, then when? It was worth it (made nursing easy, was comfy) but it’s nice to wear regular ol’ work clothes and feel good about myself.
sweater | pants | top (old)
I’m also loving this gray oversized sweater I got recently. So comfy and with the right accessories can totally be dressed up. I wore it on the weekend with leggings and a striped top recently.
Holy moly my hair has grown a lot from when I cut about 4 inches off (thank you pregnancy!) It’s also falling out, a lot. When I was pregnant with Lincoln, I started to get this spot at the top/back of one side of my head where all of the hairs changed to this super weird texture at the roots (I’m thinking hormones?) It was a wiry/rough texture…very odd. Those hairs became weak and started to break off…ugh, it’s just a mess and I have little baby hairs that stick out at the top of my head now. At least my hair’s still growing? I really want to color it a bit darker. I miss how it looked in the picture with the mint blazer…the color was richer and gosh my hair was so thick then. Those days are long gone, but that color was pretty. What do you ladies think? I did recently dye my roots darker but I think I need to have it pulled through to break up the ends a little.
Potty training with Miss Harper continues to go well. She still has accidents but we’re getting there and she’s going on the toilet at daycare 100% of the time most days. We stopped using regular diapers as many of you recommended last weekend (thank you!) and we’re only using pull-ups and letting her wear big girl undies on weekends (except for at nap time). She even went the big #2 on the toilet all by herself today with zero help getting her undies off and getting on the toilet (she has a stool from IKEA that she uses to get on and we also use this awesome booster seat). We’re so proud of her! We continue to give her small treats for big potty progress. What worked for us is initially giving a small treat anytime she went pee on the potty and then anytime she went without us asking and now only for #2 without us asking (but we praise every potty and potty attempt no matter what). Treats are anything from a tangerine, some raisins or one stacy’s cinnamon sugar pita chips to a small piece of fun-sized chocolate (we’ve done this a couple of times for #2 if she tells us she has to go and does it). We are so excited for her to be fully potty trained, but it also means she is such a big girl and growing up way too fast!
Can I get an Amen?
credit: www.frontporchmercantile.com
Have a great week and thanks for reading!
Looking forward to your dairy free post! We are going thru the same issue and I’m struggling with not seeing the slightest improvements after being dairy free for three weeks! Have a great week!
I’m sorry mama 🙁 it took us 8 weeks to fully get rid of it and he still has bad diapers sometimes (I’m thinking teething and the antibiotics I’m on for mastitis). Hang in there! Email me if you want the link to the facebook support group for DF mamas!
Glad you are feeling a little better & Lincoln too! I love that grey oversized sweater, & what a great price! Exactly what I’ve been looking for…just ordered. 😉
I hope you love it! Thanks for your comment 🙂
Can you please link in the details on your aqua outfit? I totally need this dress and jacket for Spring. Thank you!!!!
Hi Anna! I wish I could but that picture is super old and none of the items are available anymore. The jacket was from Zara and the dress from H&M.
Amen to more Chip and Jo!!!
Yaaass! I just want them to come over and shiplap my walls!
Amen! I’ve been binge watching Fixer Upper lately. Wish they could come up to Michigan and help me with my projects! Yay for Harper and her potty training progress, too!
I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better after a painful weekend. Good thing you caught it early! And I absolutely love having pretty things on my desk at work. It makes my workday so much brighter!
Can you post about what baby products you got this time that were different than with Harper? Wondering if you considered the Owlet monitor or Newton mattress. Thanks for any insight!
I have a full review of the Owlet coming 🙂 stay tuned! 🙂 that’s a great post idea!
Hi Veronika.
I’m just doing the finishing touches to my little girls room, and I’m looking for white black-out curtains similar to the ones in Lincoln’s room. Can you let me know where you purchased them! Thanks!!
They are from RH Baby & Child! The cotton canvas blackout panels! (In optic white)