The fourth month of a baby's life is equal parts fun and frustrating. They're finally learning, discovering and developing more but it's also four weeks of the dreaded sleep regression, which is not a myth (even Harper who was a total unicorn baby went through it). At the same time, Lincoln is just such a smiley and sweet baby, how can I be ...
Milk Protein Allergy in Babies: Dairy-Free Diet for Breastfeeding
Our sweet Lincoln was two weeks old when he was diagnosed with a milk protein allergy. I was surprised at the time, but looking back, I knew something was "off" just by how his skin looked. I was scrolling through my phone deleting old photos over the weekend and I came upon the ones I took of his skin in those early days and it just broke my ...
Our Weekend…
Happy Sunday! I think I'll go ahead and just label the past week as "let's pretend it never happened." I have never been more ready for a Monday. Y'all probably don't remember this (because why would you?) but I struggled a lot with plugged ducts when I was pumping for Harper and this time around has been no different as I still have an ...
Lincoln Grey: Two Months Old!
Another month has gone by and sweet Lincoln is two months old, and once again, I can't quite believe it. He is such a sweet baby--- he loves to snuggle and be held and (thank God) just like his sister, he loves to nap during the day. In the past month, he's become more alert and has a little more awake time. He also smiles and has even let ...
Nursing & Pumping Favorites
Over the past couple of months, I've learned that the saying "every baby is different" couldn't be more true. I struggled a lot to nurse Harper and ultimately it was the best decision for us both for me to exclusively pump. It was faster, more efficient and she preferred bottles because her latch was never great. We were both happy! This time ...