Baby Lincoln is three months old! And oh what a month it has been. After months of struggling with his dairy allergy, we finally seem to have made immense progress.
About a week after publishing his two-month update, we had some of our most difficult and draining weeks with him. He was so unhappy, his diapers were terrible and some days I didn’t think we would see the light at the end of the tunnel. There were many tears (from me, too) but things are looking up and I’m so grateful.
Here are Lincoln’s two month stats:
He doesn’t have another appointment until he’s four months old, but I can tell he’s gaining by how heavy he feels when I carry him and I bet he’s about 15 lbs now. He’s also growing so much in length!
I am so excited that Lincoln seems to be improving tremendously after more than eight weeks on the dairy-free diet. His diapers are totally different than they used to be- haven’t seen blood in a few weeks and they smell like normal breastfed baby poop! Sorry to talk about poop, but any allergy mama can appreciate what it feels like to finally see a positive change in their baby.
Lincoln still hasn’t come down with anything (*double knock on wood*) but I know now that he’s in daycare he will probably catch whatever is going around. Just like with Harper I spend time in his class everyday to make sure I’m exposed to the same germs so that my body produces antibodies to protect him.
Overall he has been a happier and less fussy baby. I was thisclose to eliminating soy as well because I was at the end of my rope so I’m glad I didn’t have to further limit my diet.
I’m mostly pumping— I pump twice a day at work and 3 times at home. I nurse sometimes when we get home from daycare and I also nurse when he wakes up at 4 a.m. (he goes back to sleep afterwards). I definitely love the convenience of not having to prepare a bottle so early in the morning.
We’ve nailed down a fairly solid bedtime routine and it seems to be helping with his evening fussiness. As soon as he hears that water turn on he calms down and smiles as I tickle his belly as the tub fills up (and oh my goodness he has the BEST smile).
By the way, for bath time, we’re using this tub, and this body wash (and this one too for his eczema!)
After his bath I apply his lotion, put on a clean diaper, get him in his jammies and swaddle him in the Woombie. It’s the only thing that helps him sleep.
Then he gets a bottle and he falls asleep as I rock him in the glider (best investment ever). He will usually wake up a couple of times in the first 30 minutes he’s in his crib, but by 8 he’s out until 4 or 4:30 a.m. Then I nurse him on one side and he goes back to sleep until about 7 a.m. which works out great because I wake up early to pump and it gives me time to get ready for work.
Snuggling, eating, being carried, laying on his back on his play mat, tickles, smiles, He also loves to hold and pull my hair. A lot.
Tummy time, being hangry, not being held the “right” way for his mood.
Size 2 diapers and 3-6 month and 6 month clothes. He’s even worn some 6-12 stuff.
The crying has improved so much. Of course he still cries for huger, being over tired and sometimes for no reason at all, but it’s nothing like it was before. Hallelujah!
Grasping/swatting toys, being more awake, tracking things with his eyes, improving with tummy time, improving head control when upright, the starts of little giggles.
Three months postpartum and I’m finally at a point where I feel almost back to normal. I haven’t weighed myself in a while but I can tell I still have some weight to lose. Nevertheless, I feel good about my postpartum body. My C-section scar is tiny, my stomach is (almost) back to normal and though I have like zero muscle mass other than in my arms from carrying a heavy baby around, I know that with time (and effort) I can get that back!
Luckily my clothes fit (I guess that’s a bonus of being tall, your weight distributes a little more) so I can’t say I’m super motivated to get into shape just yet. I don’t have the time right now and I don’t want to affect my supply since I have to eat like a horse when I’m nursing anyway. I’m probably just going to let nursing take the rest of the weight off and then think about getting fit when the baby is a year old or so, like I did with Harper. I bought Alexa Jean’s fitness guides (love her!) after one of my best friends used them after her C-section and she looks amazing! I’m hoping to do these at-home workouts in the future because they’re short and effective.
Lincoln has really stolen my heart. Everyone told me that boys just love their moms and I can’t quite put into words the connection I have with him. Of course I felt the same love for Harper and have a tremendous connection with her, but there’s just something about the way he looks at me. When he looks at me and smiles, it’s almost like a fuzzy feeling all over my heart. I can’t explain it but it’s so special.
Thank you for reading!
I can’t believe it has already been 3 months! He is so very adorable and I loved seeing his laugh on your snapchat!
I know what you’re talking about. I have a boy too and he always tells me that the boys in his class talk about how much they love their mom’s :-).
Lincoln is very sweet and I think he look’s more like you.
He is such a cuie pie! So glad he is feeling better and that you are finally getting some sleep too! That last paragraph totally made me tear up. Very sweet.
i have a boy about Harper’s age, and we just found out that #2 is going to be a boy…. and while I’ll admit, at first I was a little sad that I won’t get to experience what it’s like to have a little girl, part of me is thrilled with the idea of 2 boys because it’s SO SO true. There is just a special bond between a mom and her son. My first son and I are super close. My husband sometimes gets jealous. 🙂
Aww I can understand that. It was always my dream to have one daughter and for some reason I always had a “feeling”I would have one of each— very interesting! I am happy for you that you will get to experience the joy of brothers growing up together 🙂
I’ll be honest, I was a little afraid when I found out I was having a boy after having a daughter. But once he arrived, ohmygoodness…he is my little man! Somebody told me recently that they can tell my son is the apple of my eye and I just light up with him. Boys and their mamas are a special connection 🙂
It’s so true! I honestly didn’t believe it until I experienced it. I keep saying “maybe it’s because he’s my last baby” but it’s more than that!
Love the name! He’s so cute.
Lincoln is so adorable! Boys are wonderful! My son is 21 months and still loves to cuddle with me! Melts my heart! As a momma to 2 now, do you and Kevin split up for nighttime routines or do you handle both by putting 1 down before the other?
For nighttime, I do Lincoln’s bath and bottle (or nurse) and Harper is bathed by Kevin immediately after. Then he reads to her and I will either join them if the baby is sleeping peacefully or we will switch and I will read/snuggle with Harper. Kind of just depends on the night!