Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale is now open for public access, yay! You can see some of my favorite picks here and check out what I actually ordered, here. If you love to decorate or just buy throw blankets and decorative pillows with reckless abandon, you can see my home decor picks here. My Nsale order is due to arrive tonight, so expect a post ...
Father’s Day Weekend
Happy Sunday! We had a great weekend celebrating Kevin's 40th and Father's Day, which happened to fall on the same day this year! We went out for dinner Saturday and enjoyed a family day together at the pool today. Our family is so lucky to have Kevin in our lives. It feels impossible to find the right words to describe just how much he does for ...
Products I’m Loving…
Hey y'all! It's a "products I'm loving "post! It often takes me a long time to put these together because a) I usually start to fall asleep on the couch by 9 p.m. and b) I actually like to use each product for several weeks to a month or longer before reviewing so that I've had the opportunity to really experience the product and decide if it's ...
Poor Lincoln woke up with a high fever this morning so Harper and Kev went to the pool and I stayed home with an extra snuggly little babe. Hopefully he will be able to sleep tonight since last night was a total write-off. O N E On Saturday, we visited our friend Esther at Madewell in Highland Village where she was debuting her new Cuteheads ...
Making Memories & Making Time for You with Garnier® Whole Blends™
Being a mom to two children has been both the most incredible blessing and a big challenge. It has been beautiful watching our family (and our hearts) grow while at the same time it has been a juggling act balancing everyone's needs. If you've been a reader for awhile, you've probably noticed that we make an effort to spend ...
This Week…
Happy Sunday! O N E There's just something about a haircut that makes your entire world feel refreshed, even if it's a small trim. I have a color appointment booked next week that I was going to cancel, but when I asked my hairdresser what she thought would make my color better, she showed me one of my favorite pictures of Kate Beckinsale's ...
Our Weekend…
Happy Sunday! I think I'll go ahead and just label the past week as "let's pretend it never happened." I have never been more ready for a Monday. Y'all probably don't remember this (because why would you?) but I struggled a lot with plugged ducts when I was pumping for Harper and this time around has been no different as I still have an ...
Evening Look with Urban Decay’s Naked Smoky Palette
naked smoky palette | naked ultra nourishing lip gloss (color is "beso") | eyeshadow in "midnight cowboy rides again" | all-nighter makeup setting spray | eyeliner in "zero" | eye primer potion I've been a longtime fan of Urban Decay's makeup products. In fact, I've been using their eyeshadow primer and eyeliner for years and they're ...
Recent Purchases…
With moving into our new home recently, the shopping focus has definitely been on the pieces we still need to furnish our new space. But I did pick up a few things for myself, Harper and baby brother recently so I thought I'd share those items here! I'm about to go on maternity leave so I stocked up on some beauty essentials I ran out of recently. ...
Favorite Hair Tools
I've talked before about my blowout routine and hair washing routine in previous posts. I'm pretty much still doing the same routine as I always have but I wanted to share some of my favorite hair tools with y'all since the right tools (and products) can make all the difference! First off are my hot tools--- I really only use a hair dryer and ...